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Chess Park, Glendale

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In late 2001, the Redevelopment Agency directed staff to pursue the concept of a "chess park" at the Brand Boulevard passageway. Staff met with the Glendale Chess community who was informally meeting at Java City to understand their program needs and visited the chess park adjacent to the Santa Monica pier.

The Chess Park officially opened on July 17, 2004.

The park is approximately 4,500 square feet in size. The park is located between two retail stores on Brand Boulevard providing both a recreation area and a passageway for patrons.

Five light towers made of synthetic canvas and recycled plastic and wood adorn the park. Each tower represents a different chess piece; King, Queen, Rook, Knight, and Pawn. The King presides over the entrance to the park and sits next to a small stage which can be used for story-telling and performances. The Rook provides a securable storage locker.

The 16 concrete chess tables with black-and-white inlaid boards provide seating for retail workers and patrons to enjoy their lunches and coffee breaks.

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